
Since the 2024 season, following a decision by the authorities, Camping de la Maladaire is no longer able to offer campers "badges" for the surrounding parking lots.

In the surrounding free parking lots (green zones on the map above), it is necessary to move your vehicle before the authorized parking limit, and to indicate your arrival time (disc blue parking meter)
Parking in the surrounding parking lots is limited to 5 hours "on-disc" from Monday to Saturday, from 07:00 to 19:00. Outside these hours and on Sundays, there is no time limit on parking.

Purchase of a "dematerialized scratch card" at the campsite reception (CHF 8.00 / day).
The dematerialized scratch card does not guarantee a parking space, but only authorizes you to exceed the limit of 5 hours in the following zones :
- Maladaire swimming pool parking lot
- Chemin du Vallon
- Chemin du Cèdre
The Car Park "Les Remparts" in the centre of La Tour-de-Peilz and the P+R car parks in Chailly, Clarens and Vevey offer long-term passes :
Remparts car park - La Tour-de-Peilz: CHF 20 per day - CHF 5 on Sundays
Parking P+R Chailly: weekend pass (Friday 5pm - Monday 8am) : CHF 7
Parking P+R Clarens : 24 h : 5.00 CHF, with App P+Rail
Parking P+R Vevey : 24 h : 10.00 CHF, with App P+Rail